UK National Smoking Cessation Conference - UKNSCC
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Poster presentation
Smoking cessation in the workplace
Miriam Bell

Delivering Smoking Cessation within the workplace environment has developed considerably over the past 18 months in Liverpool, especially with the launch of Smokefree Liverpool mid 2003. Taking forward the objective of Liverpool first for Health Strategic Partnership to make Liverpool a smoke-free city by 2008.
The Smokefree group brings together a wide range of partners including The City Council (Environmental Health and Trading Standards), Central, North and South Primary Care Trusts.
The Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation, The North West TUC, Health@Work, The Chamber of Commerce.

There has been a great shift in awareness of passive smoking and the impact on health and how this affects businesses and the people that work within the workplace. The emphases that second hand smoke is a hazard and a health and safety issue. That businesses should be encouraged to introduce smoke- free policies.

With this in mind my presentation will use examples of how we support workplaces by delivering Smoking Cessation.

Health Awareness Days.

How we advertise, The PR machine/phone line, leaflets, Presentations.

How we support staff with the 6 to 8 week course, or option of one to one sessions. Being able to deliver smoking cessation on site by providing vouchers for NRT.

By Being flexible and going to workplaces out side of normal daytime working hours.

This presentation will identify the barriers that exist and put forward suggested solutions.

Miriam Bell
Senior Workplace Smoking Cessation Advisor,
The Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation,
200 London Road Liverpool L3 9TA
Tel: 0151 794 8829