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Smoking cessation training in Scotland
Eithne Greenshields and Mary-Grace Burinski

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Partnership Action on Tobacco and Health (PATH) is housed and managed by Ash Scotland and funded by the Scottish Executive. Its broad aim is to reduce the number of people who smoke in Scotland by supporting the existing smoking cessation services.

The training remit of PATH is increasing access to smoking cessation training in Scotland, working to raise quality and consistency in training and supporting the continuing professional development of cessation workers.

Extensive needs analysis work informed the development of national training standards and an accompanying training strategy. Key aspects of the national strategy are at implementation stage.

An approval scheme for courses that meet the standards has been implemented.

A suite of modules accredited by Glasgow Caledonian University and in line with the national standards will be rolled out in 2006. The first of these, in brief advice for smoking cessation, was launched in January, and will be followed by modules in specialist cessation support to individuals and specialist cessation support to groups. Each module consists of completion of an on-line or distance learning workbook and attendance at learning day/s. Assessment consists of observed practice and written assignments. Candidates who successfully complete all modules may also be eligible to achieve a graduate certificate in smoking cessation.

The modules are facilitated by four regional training officers based across Scotland, enabling equal access to quality training regardless of geographical location.

Partnership work to develop training resources for working with specific population groups is underway to broaden the range of training available.



Eithne Greenshields
Eithne joined ASH Scotland in 2005 as one of four Regional Training Officers, where her role involves delivering accredited training in smoking cessation in her designated region covering Lothian, Forth Valley, Fife and Shetland health boards. Eithne’s interest in smoking cessation developed during her 10 years as an ENT theatre and recovery nurse. She spent four years as Smoking Cessation Specialist within the acute division in Lothian covering three hospitals, mainly working with patients with chronic disease. Eithne is currently studying for a Masters in Professional Education.


Mary-Grace Burinski
Senior Training and Development Officer
ASH Scotland
8 Frederick Street