UK National Smoking Cessation Conference - UKNSCC
2008 UK National Smoking Cessation Conference - Birmingham more...

Film festival
A full list of all films to be shown at the film festival will be posted here as details become available.



Films will be shown in the York Room on Monday 30th June between 6.00pm and 7.00pm

'From Leeds to Lahore'
Taking Smoke Free Homes to Pakistan
This short film documents the first trip of a group of health professionals from Leeds Primary Care Trust to Lahore in Pakistan in December 2007, to explore the possibility of developing the ‘Smoke Free Homes’ project in Pakistan.
In partnership with the Institute of Public Health in Lahore, the team deliver workshops to teachers and lady health workers (community health workers) around smoke free homes as well as demonstrating classroom sessions in the Lahore Lyceum school.

Produced by Ramon de Juan – Captured Vision Associates (

'Cannabis smoking explained'
A video made specially for the UKNSCC 2006 conference by young people.
Produced by Exchange Supplies, 2006


'Stopping smoking with NHS stop smoking groups: What it's really like'
A specially commissioned film for the UKNSCC 2005.
Produced by Exchange Supplies 2005

An 18 minute film which gives a unique insight into smokers’ views on NHS Stop Smoking Services. Commissioned by Exchange Supplies for the 2005 UK National Smoking Cessation Conference.

The stories are told by real people, and give clear and important messages about their experiences of stopping smoking using the NHS Stop Smoking Services.

The video can be used by smoking cessation services to encourage attendance, inform clients of what to expect from treatment, facilitate discussions, train smoking cessation advisors and for discussions with commissioners and providers.

An essential tool for smoking cessation services and ideal for use in waiting rooms, group settings as well as in one-to-one and peer education work with smokers.

Available to order from Exchange Supplies at:


‘Out in the cold’
A message from smokers forced out of smoke-free places. A specially commissioned film for the UKNSCC 2006.
Produced by Exchange Supplies 2006



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