UK National Smoking Cessation Conference - UKNSCC
2008 UK National Smoking Cessation Conference - Birmingham more...

One size fits all? An evaluation of the smokers ‘story’ of change in smoking cessation
Deborah Ritchie, Senior Lecturer and Head of Nursing Studies, Edinburgh University, UK


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Deborah Ritchie

Objectives: the process evaluation aimed to explore the narratives of change in smoking cessation groups.

Study Design: A narrative analysis was conducted to consider the multiple narratives of smoking cessation groups, as both content and context.

Methods: Data were collected by observing a snapshot of 12 smoking cessation groups in a low-income community over six weeks. Secondly five debriefing sessions were held with the group facilitator. Thirdly, 11 interviewees were purposively selected out of a total sample of 67 group attendees.

Findings: Results suggest that standardised programmes are insufficient to meet the needs of many smokers. Narratives were used both to locate the process of change in people’s daily lives and to engage smokers in a supportive process with others. The intention to change is perceived by many smokers to be unstable and requires opportunities for longer-term support. Flexibility in attendance and ongoing support to both make the decision to stop and to stay stopped is valued. Including people in the same group at different stages of change seems positive.

Conclusion: Those smokers who are harder to each may benefit from flexible approaches that locate change within a cultural context.


About the presenter
Deborah Ritchie is a tobacco control researcher and is a member of the University of Edinburgh Tobacco Control Research Group. She has significant health promotion practice and research experience of working in areas of deprivation. Her published research primarily considers interventions in areas of deprivation. She is currently involved in the evaluation of Smokefree Scotland and Smokefree England.


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