UK National Smoking Cessation Conference - UKNSCC
2009 UK National Smoking Cessation Conference - London more...

Motivational interviewing: into better services
Stephen Rollnick, Professor of Healthcare Communication, School of Medicine University of Cardiff, UK


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Stephen Rollnick

This talk has two aims: firstly, to provide an overview of motivational interviewing, its origins, content and relevance to the field of smoking cessation. A second aim will be to consider the wider service culture in which efforts are made to promote smoking cessation. It will be suggested that an over-reliance on a directing style to ‘assess’ and ‘fix’ problems for others is widespread and largely dysfunctional. Smokers will be more likely to change if the services and practitioners they meet are have a much stronger leaning towards engagement and the use a guiding style in all they develop, do and say.


About the presenter
Stephen Rollnick PhD is a clinical psychologist and Professor of Healthcare Communication in the Department of Primary Care and Public Health, Cardiff University. He was a practicing psychologist in the UK National Health Service for 16 years, and then became a teacher and researcher on the subject of communication. He has written books on Motivational Interviewing (Miller & Rollnick, 1991; 2001), Health Behaviour Change (Rollnick, Mason & Butler, 1999) and most recently, Motivational Interviewing in Healthcare (Rollnick, Miller & Butler, 2007).

His main interest is in challenging consultations in hospital and primary care settings. He has published widely in scientific journals and has taught practitioners in many countries and continents. His current interests include the training of practitioners who treat children with HIV-AIDS in African countries, and the development of software-driven learning programmes for practitioners. He grew up in Cape Town, South Africa and lives in Cardiff, Wales.


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