UK National Smoking Cessation Conference - UKNSCC
2009 UK National Smoking Cessation Conference - London more...

Smoking, culture and working class young people: why is it still cool to smoke?
Woody Caan, Professor of Public Health, Department of Child and Family Health, Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge, UK


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Woody Caan

Latest GHS (2007) figures indicate government non-smoking targets for 2010 are probably already met, but overall prevalence in younger people 16 to 24 has leveled off and socio-economic differentials have not reduced. Public health information and smoking cessation measures have proven successful for many, but least effective for those on low incomes and younger people. This presentation focuses on two areas: evaluation of the impact of current health improvement information and cessation support services on young working class people, and exposure of young people in public places and through cultural influences maintaining the ‘normality’ of smoking in the media. The difficulties in evaluating quit rates of young people will be discussed. Longitudinal studies suggest that exposure to tobacco advertising and promotion is associated with the likelihood that adolescents will start to smoke.

Despite advertising restrictions, evidence of smoking exposure remains high in films, post-watershed television, in youth magazines and Internet friendship sites maintaining an association between desirable lifestyles and smoking. Street exposure to smoking is now increased with restrictions on smoking in enclosed public places. Further public health measures for targeting the most vulnerable people, through mobilizing public opinion rather than central government directives will be proposed.


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