UK National Smoking Cessation Conference - UKNSCC
2010 UK National Smoking Cessation Conference - Glasgow more...

Stop smoking interventions in mental health settings: a systems approach?



Alex Higgins, Ghazaleh Pashmi, Andrew Hayes and Melanie Chambers

Alex Higgins
Consultant / Trainer, Smokefree Solutions, London, UK

The London Regional Public Health Group commissioned Alex Higgins of Smokefree Solutions to develop a Mental Health toolkit. The overall aim of the toolkit was to increase the access Mental Health Service Users have to stop smoking advice and support.

Firstly, the toolkit provides commissioning checklists for the Mental Health Trust, and PCT commissioners, as well as making the case for why the commissioning should take place. It aims to enable commissioners to develop a co-ordinated and robust service and
system within their mental health trust, working in partnership with
the PCTs involved.

Secondly, there is a section detailing delivery of the different types of intervention which are possible and beneficial to a mental health service user. Detailing the brief and very brief intervention, more intensive support, and finally, how to assist and support an inpatient not wanting to stop smoking with nicotine replacement therapy, to be able to effectively adhere to smokefree policies.

Finally, there is the implementation section following four stages which can be followed and will fully roll out the system across the mental health trust.

Source of funding: London Regional Public Health Group

Declaration of interest: none

About the presenter
Alex Higgins has an MA in Experimental Psychology from Oxford University. She began her career in tobacco control with the Hillingdon Stop Smoking Service in 2002 and went on to work with Peter Hajek and other stop smoking services before setting up Smokefree Solutions in January 2009. Smokefree Solutions has provided training, interim management and consultancy services to a number of stop smoking services, as well as producing the Stop Smoking Interventions in Mental Health toolkit for the London Regional Public Health Group. Alex is a member of the NCSCT mental health expert working group.


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