UK National Smoking Cessation Conference - UKNSCC
2010 UK National Smoking Cessation Conference - Glasgow more...

Partnership marketing campaign for stop smoking services in Central Lancashire – NHS Central Lancashire/Pfizer/Gingernut Creative



Authors and presenters:
Angela Longworth
Stop Smoking Service Coordinator, NHS Central Lancashire, Preston, UK

Tracy Murdoch
Clinical Coordinator, NHS Central Lancashire, Preston, UK

Following a detailed analysis (health equity audit) of the smoking population of Central Lancashire in partnership with the public health department and Pfizer, the Stop Smoking Service selected the Chorley locality to focus a marketing campaign designed to impact on the main quit season of 2009/2010. This locality was selected to improve referral generation which is lower in comparison to the other Central Lancashire localities. The campaign was designed in a collaborative project with NHS Central Lancashire Pfizer and Gingernut Creative. This work involved consultation with the team using local knowledge and information gained from the health data analysis. The ‘Road to Success’ campaign commenced in January 2010 and early results show a positive effect of this focused marketing campaign which consists of posters, door-drops, business cards, postcards and street marketing campaigns. Case studies of local Chorley people were also used in the run up to No Smoking Day. This locality has seen a 30% rise in referrals in the weeks to date. This campaign will continue to run through 2010/2011 season and more detailed outcomes of this campaign will be measured. It is anticipated that this project will be extended to other localities in the Central Lancashire area.

Source of funding: This has been a collaboratively funded project with NHS Central Lancashire and Pfizer

Declaration of interest: none


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