UK National Smoking Cessation Conference - UKNSCC
2010 UK National Smoking Cessation Conference - Glasgow more...

Greater Glasgow and Clyde smoking in the home campaign?


View Powerpoint Presentation powerpoint


Author and presenter:
Brenda Friel
Health Improvement Senior (Tobacco Control), NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, UK

Addressing children’s exposure to secondhand smoke (SHS) in the home has been identified as a priority nationally and locally. Children are particularly vulnerable to the effects of SHS and are at risk of developing a number of serious health risks.

Concern is now focusing on children and infants’ high level of exposure to SHS within the home and car. Although research indicates that smoke free legislation in Scotland has not displaced smoking to the home rather the legislation has contributed to a reduction in smoking in the home, however many fail to take measures to reduce exposure to SHS in the home. Evidence suggests that a multifaceted approach to reducing children’s exposure is likely to be most effective.

NHSGGC are taking forward a comprehensive programme that aims to reduce children’s exposure to SHS in the home and car. A component of this is a SHS training programme directed at workers who have direct face to face contact with parents and carers of children under the age of five years and are able to provide follow up. This is currently being evaluated and at the time of the conference will be able to provide some early findings from this.

Source of funding: Scottish Government funding as part of the Smoking Prevention Action Plan.

Declaration of interest: none

About the presenter
Brenda has worked within the area of tobacco for seven years. She has recently taken on a wider tobacco control remit in which she supports the development of tobacco activities across GGC. Brenda is currently taking forward a programme that aims to address smoking in the home by increasing awareness of the dangers of secondhand smoke (SHS) and support the delivery and evaluation of SHS brief intervention training for key health professionals so they can effectively raise the issue of SHS in the home and support any behaviour change.


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