UK National Smoking Cessation Conference - UKNSCC
2010 UK National Smoking Cessation Conference - Glasgow more...

Check my lifestyle – online support to lead a healthy lifestyle



Debbie Nelson and Graeme Stevenson

Debbie Nelson
Health Improvement Senior, Health at Work NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, Glasgow, UK

Health at Work’s online ‘lifestyle check’ tool – was launched in 2009 to assist those employed specifically within the Greater Glasgow and Clyde area to make informed decisions on lifestyle factors that could potentially have negative health consequences.

Users can monitor and evaluate their own behaviour on a variety of health topics with smoking one of the key areas. By answering a series of questions about smoking habits each user will receive a personalised report detailing the negative consequences smoking has on their health and highlighting relevant areas for support in giving up. Top tips on a successful quit attempt are also accessible on the site which currently has over 2000 subscribers.

Source of funding: NHS GGandC

Declaration of interest: none


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