UK National Smoking Cessation Conference - UKNSCC
2010 UK National Smoking Cessation Conference - Glasgow more...

Developing professional training for stop-smoking specialists in Scotland



Author and presenter:
Judy Corbett
National Training and Development Manager, ASH Scotland, Edinburgh, UK

PATH (Partnership Action on Tobacco and Health) is a partnership of Scottish Government, NHS Health Scotland and ASH Scotland.

The PATH Training and Development Team delivers two academically accredited modules for stop-smoking professionals to enhance their practice and knowledge. These were developed to comply with the Scottish National Training Standards: stop-smoking support (December 2009) at levels C and D.

Our poster will inform readers about how we went about developing the modules in line with the Standards, discuss the format of the course including assessment via OSCEs and written submissions and display a selection of the materials.

Source of funding: PATH is funded by the Scottish Government, NHS Health Scotland and ASH Scotland.

Declaration of interest: none


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