UK National Smoking Cessation Conference - UKNSCC
2010 UK National Smoking Cessation Conference - Glasgow more...

Equally well social marketing projects



Laura Mullen

Laura Mullen
Senior Health improvement Practitioner, West Dunbartonshire CHP, Clydebank, UK

Gloria Coats
Senior Communications Manager, NHS Health Scotland, Edinburgh, UK

As part of the Equally Well Test Site ‘Targeting Tobacco in Whitecrook’ NHS Health Scotland and West Dunbartonshires Equally Well Implementation group have come together to deliver two social marketing projects within the test site. One project will focus on a targeted inequalities sensitive smoking cessation service and the other will explore issues relating to Second Hand Smoke exposure.

The session will cover a brief overview of Equally Well (The Scottish Governments framework to tackle health inequalities) and why the project focused on tobacco to tackle inequalities. The West Dunbartonshire Test Site has four main objectives based on the
World Health Organisation tobacco control objectives;

  • Limiting availability of tobacco products to under 18s
  • Developing an Education and Prevention programme
  • Developing an Inequalties Sensitive cessation service
  • Lowering childrens exposure to Second Hand Smoke exposure

In addition the development of the Social Marketing Strategy will be outlined describing a brief overview of what social marketing, the six step plan, and how this relates to the work being carried out in Whitecrook; including insight gathering within Whitecrook to
effectively target the communications

Declaration of interest: none


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