UK National Smoking Cessation Conference - UKNSCC
2010 UK National Smoking Cessation Conference - Glasgow more...

Latest findings from the national monitoring of smoking cessation services in Scotland



Linsey Galbraith and Garry Hecht

Linsey Galbraith
Principal Information and Development Officer, ScotPHO Team, ISD Scotland, Edinburgh, UK

The national minimum dataset for smoking cessation services in Scotland was introduced in April 2005. In July 2005 a web-based smoking cessation database was established to aid capture and analysis of client data locally and to enable secure electronic transfer of minimum dataset information to ISD Scotland for national analysis and monitoring. The first statistics from the national monitoring were published in March 2007 and since then ISD Scotland have continued to produce updated, and more detailed, statistics.

Presented here are some of the latest findings on service uptake and quit outcomes for NHS cessation services in Scotland, from the national cessation monitoring. Following the introduction of a revised national minimum dataset in January 2009, presented here too for the first time are some additional analyses based on the new and revised dataset questions. These include: comparisons of quit outcomes for clients using ‘NRT – single product’ and ‘NRT – more than one product’; comparisons of quit outcomes for those using ‘closed groups’ and those using ‘open (rolling) groups’ as well as looking at differences in quit outcomes for interventions undertaken in different settings. Where possible, comparisons will also be made with findings from the national monitoring of cessation services in England.

Source of funding: Scottish Government

Declaration of interest: none


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